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Schatz, IAM Announce 220 United Jobs Saved In Kahului, Kona, and Lihue

Schatz Stepped In to Halt Outsourcing of Jobs

Honolulu, HI ­- U.S. Senator Brian Schatz (D-Hawai‘i) and the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAMAW) announced today that United Airlines and IAMAW members have come to an agreement that will keep hundreds of neighbor island jobs at Lihue, Kahului, and Kona airports.

“On behalf of the IAMAW Union members of United Airlines in the Hawaiian Islands we would like to sincerely thank Senator Schatz for his help and support in the fight against outsourcing Union jobs in Kahului, Kona and Lihue. Mahalo Nui Loa,” said Sandy Olmos, Assistant General Chair, IAMAW.

“This is very good news for the hard-working United Airlines employees and their families on Maui, Kauai, and Hawai‘i Island,” Senator Schatz said. “I am glad United Airlines heeded our call to reconsider their outsourcing plan and followed through with their commitment.  These 220 local jobs across our state are not only important to the working families they directly affect, but are also central to our visitor industry and local economy.”

In April, Senator Schatz wrote a letter to United Airlines President, Jeffery A. Smisek in strong opposition to United’s proposal to outsource jobs at Kahului, Kona, and Lihue airports.  Senator Schatz also met with senior representatives from United Airlines where he expressed deep concerns over outsourcing and urged them to reconsider their proposal. The proposed action directly contradicted Mr. Smisek’s testimony before Congress when United Airlines announced its merger with Continental Airlines. During four congressional committee hearings in 2010, United made a commitment that front-line jobs or wages of the new entity would not be greatly affected.
