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VIDEO: Schatz Calls For State And County COVID-19 Relief Funding, Slams Republican Proposal That Offers No Support


WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Brian Schatz (D-Hawai‘i) today took to the Senate floor to call for federal relief funding to support state and county governments during the COVID-19 pandemic. In his remarks on the Senate floor, Schatz slammed a Republican proposal that would offer no funding for states and localities.

“If Republicans had their way, they would pass a COVID-19 aid package that forces us to lay people off – public health workers, sanitation workers, teachers – in the middle of a pandemic. State and local funding allows firefighters to stay employed. It allows our school systems not to lay off teachers. This isn’t a Democratic ask, this is an American ask,” said Senator Schatz. “Let the record reflect that the proposal from the Republican Conference was that state and counties get zero, and that is not tenable.”

To watch video of Senator Schatz’s floor speech, click here.

schatz on the stand