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Senator Schatz Congratulates Hawai‘i’s Jackie Young And Lance Holter On Key Advisory Panel Appointments

Young to Serve on Defense Advisory Committee on Women; Holter to Serve on Forestry Research Advisory Council

Washington, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator Brian Schatz (D-Hawai‘i) congratulated Dr. Jackie Young on her appointment to the Defense Advisory Committee on Women in the Services (DACOWITS) and Lance Holter on his appointment to the Forestry Research Advisory Council.   Senator Schatz wrote letters in strong support of Dr. Young and Mr. Holter’s nominations as part of the selection process.  Senator Schatz has made it a priority to identify and encourage individuals from Hawai‘i to serve on federal advisory committees.  These committees are created as advisory bodies to collect viewpoints on various policy issues.  Historically, they have been created to address a host of issues and can help the government manage and solve complex or divisive issues.  

“Jackie and Lance are uniquely qualified, and will  bring a strong voice for Hawai‘i to these key panels whose valuable input on federal policy can have a great impact on our state,” said Senator Schatz. “Making recommendations to key federal advisory committees is one of my most important jobs as a senator, and I congratulate them both on their appointments.  I know they will do an excellent job in helping to shape policies that benefit women in our military and to protect our forests.”

Throughout her career, Dr. Young has received numerous awards and accolades. Most recently, Dr. Young was presented with the 2014 Charles S. Judd, Jr. Humanitarian Award by the Punahou Alumni Association in recognition of her leadership and service to Punahou School and the community. Dr. Young holds a master’s degree in education and a doctorate degree in women’s studies.

“I do believe we have the greatest military force in the world and now that women are almost fully integrated, our military will become even greater but the issue of safety in the workplace is huge,” said Dr. Jackie Young. “I think DACOWITS can continue to apply pressure to ensure that changes are made and institutional support is provided for ensuring the highest level of safety.  I am very excited to return to this committee. I welcome the chance to see the consequences of earlier actions and having the opportunity now to participate in making life better for women and men in the military.” 

“I’m honored to be chosen as a member of the National Forestry Research Advisory Council by Secretary Thomas Vilsack. I believe Hawai‘i can share a unique perspective in the management of Forests and Environmental Resources to the Council and I hope to share that and more as a member,” said Lance Holter.  “I also want to thank Senator Schatz for working to make sure Hawai‘i is well represented on key federal advisory committees including the Forestry Research Advisory Council.  I believe it is the first time that the Advisory Council has had a member from Hawai‘i.”

Mr. Holter served in Tunisia as a Peace Corps volunteer focused on developing clean water sources for irrigation and consumption.  Since that time, Mr. Holter has played an active role in environmental conservation and stewardship, having served as Chair of the Maui Group Executive Committee of the Sierra Club.  
