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Schatz To Senate Republicans: Do Your Job, Provide Fair Process For Supreme Court Nominee

Schatz, Democratic Leaders Call for a Timely Hearing and Vote on Judge Garland Nomination

WASHINGTON – Today on the front steps of the U.S. Supreme Court, U.S. Senator Brian Schatz (D-Hawai‘i), Democratic Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.), and Senate Democrats called on Senate Republicans to do their job and give the president’s Supreme Court nominee, Judge Merrick Garland, a fair confirmation process.  The senators were joined by working Americans who discussed what would happen if they didn’t do their job the way most Senate Republicans are today by refusing to even commit to meeting with the president’s nominee or holding a hearing or vote.

“We’re ready to get to work, but the Republicans have refused to do their job,” said Senator Schatz.  “American workers wake up every day and go to work.  They can’t pick and choose which parts of their job they would like to do or when they would like to get started.  The American people deserve a Senate that does its job.  It’s time for Senate Republicans to end the political games, fulfill their constitutional duty, and join us in restoring the Supreme Court to its full strength.”

To view video of Senator Schatz’s remarks, click here.  

schatz remakrs from the podium