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Schatz Statement On The Impeachment of President Trump

WASHINGTON – Today, U.S. Senator Brian Schatz (D-Hawai‘i) released the following statement after the U.S. House of Representatives approved articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump.

“It is a somber time for our country, but one our founders specifically contemplated when they gave Congress the authority to impeach a president. They worried that a corrupt leader would use the presidency for personal gain, and they worried that a foreign government would interfere with our open and democratic elections. Their concerns feel prescient today. The power to impeach was meant to hold the president accountable for wrongdoing and make it clear that no one is above the law.

“The articles of impeachment approved by the House of Representatives lay out grave accusations that strike at the core of our democracy. These articles allege that the president abused the power of his office by withholding military aid from a foreign government to coerce it into helping him smear his political opponent and corrupt our election. It also alleges that the president systematically obstructed Congress’s constitutional duty to investigate this extortion scheme by directing administration officials to defy subpoenas for documents and testimony.

“The Senate has a solemn obligation to fully consider these allegations. It is a responsibility I take seriously. As we move forward with the Senate trial, I will continue to study the facts in the case, the legal and constitutional history of impeachment, and prepare to serve as a fair juror. With this proceeding before us, the United States Senate is being called to act as the founders envisioned more than two centuries ago.”
