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Schatz on Supreme Court Arguments on Proposition 8 and Defense of Marriage Act

WASHINGTON – Senator Brian Schatz released the following statement today as the Supreme Court hears arguments to determine the constitutionality of Proposition 8, California’s ban on same-sex marriage. The Supreme Court will also hear a challenge to the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), which defines marriage between a man and a woman, thereby denying federal benefits to same-sex couples. Schatz joined his Senate colleagues in filing an amicus brief in the DOMA case that is before the Supreme Court.

“Denying committed couples the right to marry is unacceptable.  Because we all have friends, relatives and loved ones in devoted same-sex relationships, I encourage everyone to stand up for equality.  It affects all of us,” said Senator Brian Schatz.  “It is my hope that the arguments heard in the Supreme Court  will further prove what millions of Americans know is just—marriage equality must be a constitutional right for all Americans.  I am a proud supporter of marriage equality, and I will continue to join President Obama in speaking out to end this type of discrimination.  My hope is that the Supreme Court does what is right for this country.”
