Schatz Launches Online Guide To Help Provide Resources To Hawai‘i Residents, Workers Impacted By Recent Changes To Federal Policies
Residents Can Share Their Stories, Find Help, Understand Their Rights, File Whistleblower Complaint
New Guide Available At Schatz.Senate.Gov/Help
WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Brian Schatz (D-Hawai‘i) today launched a new guide to help Hawai‘i residents who have been impacted by recent changes to federal policies – including immigrants, veterans and other federal workers, and the LGBTQ+ community – find resources and support. The new webpage also encourages people to share their stories about how these new policies have affected their lives.
“Recent changes to federal policies are having real impacts to federal workers and some of the most vulnerable people in our communities,” said Senator Schatz. “Whether you’re a federal worker who got fired from your job for no reason or an immigrant who wants to know what your rights are, help is available. I encourage everyone to explore this guide, find resources that may be helpful to you, and share your stories.”
Schatz’s guide includes resources for current and recently terminated federal workers, a direct link to file whistleblower complaints, and helpful information for immigrants, the LGBTQ+ community, and those seeking reproductive care.
Last week, Schatz met with former federal workers and nonprofits in Hawai‘i that provide essential health care and education services, and help preserve Hawai‘i’s wildlife and environment. They discussed how new policies to stop federal funding and terminate thousands of workers across the country have negatively impacted Hawai‘i residents, communities, and our local economy.
The full guide, which will be regularly updated, is available at