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Hawaii Delegation Announces $16.5 Million in Funding for Airport Infrastructure Upgrades

WASHINGTON, D.C.Today, the Hawai’i Congressional Delegation announced that the Honolulu International Airport will receive $16.5 million in grant funding from the U.S. Department of Transportation.

“When we invest in airport infrastructure, we grow our tourism industry, connect families and businesses, and make our transportation system operate more safely and efficiently for everyone,” said U.S. Senator Brian Schatz (D-Hawai'i), a member of the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Transportation, Housing and Urban Development. “These funds will provide Honolulu International Airport with the resources it needs to make key improvements that will make it safer and easier for Hawai'i families and visitors to travel to and from our state.”

“Investment in infrastructure is crucial for Hawaii’s continued growth,” said Congressman Mark Takai (HI-01). “Given Hawaii’s geographic isolation, modernizing and improving our airports and harbors is a necessity. The grants announced today will provide critical upgrades to the Honolulu International Airport that will ensure the efficiency and safety of our transportation system. These improvements will help all Hawaii travelers to fly back and forth between our islands and their destinations across the world.”

“Hawaii residents, visitors, and businesses depend on reliable air travel— as an island state there is no real alternative to meet our everyday transportation needs,” said Senator Hirono. “The quality of our airports is critical to the success of our visitor industry and economy. These federal resources will help ensure safety and efficiency for passengers and workers by modernizing our airport infrastructure.”

“The U.S. Department of Transportation investment of more than $16 million in infrastructure upgrades to the Honolulu International Airport is long overdue," said Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard (HI-02). "Our tourism-based economy is dependent on having a first-class airport to welcome our visitors, and to serve our residents with their inter-island travel. At both the state and federal levels, further investment and proper management of our airports is essential to growing a healthy economy in our state.”

The funds allocated to Hawai’i comprise of three separate grants. The largest grant for $15, 154,621.00 invests in widening a runway at Honolulu International Airport by fifty feet to meet design standards at the airport. Hawai’i also received a grant for $1,000,000.00 to fund an update of the airport master plan narrative report and airport layout plan, which will address critical issues in the airport’s future development. The remaining $500,000.00 grant will fund the full rehabilitation of the current 4L/22R lighting system that has reached the end of its useful life and requires rehabilitation to enhance safe airfield operations during low visibility conditions.
