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Hawai‘i Congressional Delegation Urges President Trump To Swiftly Accept Hawai‘i’s Disaster Declaration

Disaster Declaration Would Unlock Federal Funds for Impacted Counties Still Recovering From Flooding

HONOLULU – Today, Hawai‘i’s Congressional Delegation urged President Donald Trump to act swiftly on Governor David Ige’s request for a Presidential disaster declaration for areas on Kaua‘i and O‘ahu impacted by severe flooding. The declaration will help ensure that the impacted communities can access important federal funding and resources to recover.

“Based on the severity of the damage, Governor Ige has requested that you issue a Presidential disaster declaration to allow residents and State and County officials to apply for the Federal Emergency Management Administration’s Individual Assistance and Public Assistance programs, and any other Federal assistance available,” the delegation wrote in a letter to President Trump. “Within existing rules and regulations, we urgently request your speedy action to approve his request, and issue a Presidential declaration.”

For a PDF copy of the letter, click here.

Full text of the letter follows:

Dear Mr. President:

We request your expeditious review of Hawai‘i Governor David Ige’s request for a Presidential disaster declaration for areas impacted by flooding on Kaua‘i and O’ahu on April 13th and 14th.  A copy of the Governor’s request is enclosed for your reference.

Historic precipitation on these islands—more than 32 inches in 48 hours in the hardest hit region of northern Kaua‘i, and approximately five inches of rainfall in one hour in one of the hard-hit regions of O‘ahu—caused extreme flooding.  Hundreds of homes, along with local businesses and public infrastructure have suffered terrible impacts from the flooding.  It is clear from preliminary assessments that recovery will overwhelm State and County resources.  These communities will need help from the Federal government to recover.

Based on the severity of the damage, Governor Ige has requested that you issue a Presidential disaster declaration to allow residents and State and County officials to apply for the Federal Emergency Management Administration’s Individual Assistance and Public Assistance programs, and any other Federal assistance available.  Within existing rules and regulations, we urgently request your speedy action to approve his request, and issue a Presidential declaration.

