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Following Partisan Vote To Move Ahead With Trumpcare, Schatz Slams Republican Plan That Would Gut Medicaid And Leave Millions Uninsured

WASHINGTON – Following a partisan vote today to advance legislation that would repeal the Affordable Care Act, U.S. Senator Brian Schatz (D-Hawai‘i) spoke out against the Republican bill on the Senate floor.

“We don't know exactly what’s in the bill, but we do know that it will cut taxes and cut Medicaid and people are going to be hurt,” said Senator Schatz. “What the American people need to do now is make sure that this thing comes crashing down. We have to do it for the tens of millions of Americans who depend on Medicaid and the ACA. We have to do it for our rural hospitals, and we have to do it for people with pre-existing conditions. There is still time.  Let’s walk back from the brink, and do the right thing.”

Floor Speech

To watch video of Senator Schatz’s full remarks, click here.
