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FY22 Requests

Note: The projects are listed alphabetically by recipient name. 

Project Purpose: Support implementation of STEM programming at an increasing number of local Boys & Girls Clubs sites across the nation.

Recipient Name: Boys & Girls Clubs of Hawai‘i

Project Location: City and County of Honolulu, Hawai‘i

Amount Requested: $580,000

Certification Letter: Available here


Project Purpose: Advance coastal stewardship of fisheries and coral reefs at sites on Hawai‘i Island through the integrated efforts of community, state, federal, and non-governmental organizational partners.

Recipient Name: Department of Land and Natural Resources

Project Location: Hawai‘i County, Hawai‘i

Amount Requested – $2,100,000

Certification Letter: Available here


Project Purpose: The Immigrant Triad program provides legal and advocacy services for immigrant or limited English proficiency survivors of family violence and their children on Oahu.  Hooikaika Ohana (HOO) provides culturally relevant services to Native Hawaiian survivors and their families.

Recipient Name: Domestic Violence Action Center

Project Location: City and County of Honolulu, Hawai‘i

Amount Requested: $367,000

Certification Letter: Available here


Project Purpose: Design of a pilot investigation to examine the capacity of innovative blue-green design approaches in the form of various mixtures, surface textures, and three-dimensional shapes of bio-enhancing materials, to enhance native coral habit.

Recipient Name: Hawai‘i Institute of Marine Biology, University of Hawai‘i

Project Location: City and County of Honolulu, Hawai‘i

Amount Requested: $1,000,000

Certification Letter: Available here


Project Purpose: Restore the heart of the Native Hawaiian agricultural system by reconnecting the Native Hawaiian fishpond and taro fields by clearing invasive mangrove and replanting with native vegetation. Individuals hired for this project will receive vocational training, and cultural education to support longer term aspirations.

Recipient Name: Kakoo Oiwi

Project Location: City and County of Honolulu, Hawai‘i

Amount Requested: $1,500,000

Certification Letter: Available here


Project Purpose: Support for research and planning phases of restorative aquaculture infrastructure (or “hatchery systems”) to support stock enhancement of finfish and possibly limu (native seaweed) for loko ia (Hawaiian fishponds) and our common nearshore fisheries.

Recipient Name: Kuaaina Ulu Auamo

Project Location: City and County of Honolulu, Hawai‘i

Amount Requested: $141,000

Certification Letter: Available here


Project Purpose: Establish a coastal monitoring and outreach network to support biocultural restoration to catalyze solutions for climate-related challenges facing Hawaiian Fishpond restoration groups by providing relevant site-specific environmental observation infrastructure including sensors, access to monitoring, analytical, and visualization capabilities, tools, and training workshops on climate and data science.

Recipient Name: Purple Maia Foundation

Project Location: City and County of Honolulu, Hawai‘i County, Kauai County, Maui County, Hawai‘i

Amount Requested: $1,000,000

Certification Letter: Available here


Project Purpose: Develop exhibition and planetarium productions to diversify and expand the Imiloa Astronomy Center’s education services to Hale Pohaku on the slopes of Maunakea, and to advance awareness of the connection between science, indigenous culture, and community.

Recipient Name: University of Hawai‘i

Project Location: City and County of Honolulu, Hawai‘i County, Kauai County, Maui County, Hawai‘i

Amount Requested: $1,000,000

Certification Letter: Available here


Project Purpose: Scale existing public/private partnerships focused on providing University of Hawai‘i Department of Natural Resource and Environmental Management students applied bio-cultural restoration training while scaling the existing projects in remediating ancestral food system infrastructure on the Puuloa (Pearl Harbor) shoreline in the Ewa moku of Oahu.

Recipient Name: University of Hawai‘i

Project Location: City and County of Honolulu, Hawai‘i

Amount Requested: $950,000

Certification Letter: Available here