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Schatz Slams EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt On Comments Denying Climate Change Facts

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Brian Schatz (D-Hawai‘i), co-chair of the Senate Climate Action Task Force, released the following statement in response to Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Scott Pruitt’s comments denying facts about climate change.

“If there was ever any doubt that Scott Pruitt is a climate denier, this settles it. Anyone who denies over a century’s worth of established science and basic facts is unqualified to be the administrator of the EPA.  Now more than ever, the Senate needs to stand up to Scott Pruitt and his dangerous views. We will do this through the appropriations process, through oversight of his agency, and by making sure that the Clean Air and Clean Water Acts are followed. His views are extreme, but he cannot change the law by virtue of his irresponsible views. He is still obligated to follow the law.”